Antonia Che bello sentire radio mente si fanno pulizie di casa grazie mille 😘😙😘 per la compagnia Giuliaa Ciaoo ti ascolto in radio buona diretta Djarki Marta Bella Radio e Bella Musica

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News radiopiu

The Music That Immortalised 90s Subculture with electronic technologies The 90s undoubtedly marked the Golden Age of underground music zines cataloguing subcultural movements. Without an avalanche of Tumblr accounts offering endless information on what your favourite band is wearing, Soundcloud recommendations about who to listen to next, or Twitter documenting your most-loved guitar player’s childhood fear, publications such as the pioneering DIY zine Sniffin’ Glue and groupie-focused Star found their way into the eager hands of music fans around the world. To celebrate a simpler time, here is […]

